
Usability Testing


Xiaoying Zhang
Wenjing Zhang
Hanpei Yue
Shijie Luo


Usability Testing



Working from home becomes a dynamic solution for organizations around the world since the out break of the Coronavirus. Young professionals who work from home and share a living space usually mix their professional and personal lives and fail to communicate effectively, leading to conflict, loss of boundaries, and depression.


Collaborated with three Service Designers at SCAD, we design a digital products to helps young couples who lived together find the best timing to communicate with partners while working from home and arranging activities together.

Design Process



Young people embrace WFH and would like to balance well being and productivity


Almost no products pays attention on both well-being and productivity


Patterns from Interviews


After using various research methods, we gained a systematic understanding of the home office experience. In order to better analyze and demonstrate the cause and effect relationships, we created a causation map to show the deeper reasons.

We Learn

Better Work-Life-Balance

Most young professonals who WFH has better work-life-balance due to flexibility nature of WFH which allow them have lunch break,nap, morning ritual, etc

Loneliness Brings People Together

The loneness that casued by WFH made young professionals start share space with loved ones, their pet or partners as companionship.

Companionship Brings Distraction

Living with pets or partner brings distraction to their work. 4/8 interviewee indicate they need to work on the sound problems, like using the headphone etc

New Challenge


We drew a representitive users according to the research
Balloon is an App that helps young professionals who WFH and share limitied living space with parters to balance work schedule and life planning while improving their relationship.


Usability Testing Process

We started with a paper prototype to visualize solutions quickly. Based on that, a drafted site map is developed as a guideline for all prototypes. We tested our prototypes in task flow and card sorting to examine the navigation, organization, and labeling systems. A survey followed the task flow to evaluate our design. All feedbacks from user testing guide us to refine our prototype and design.


We broke down the features into 4 catogreies and made a sitemap


We organized 2 task flows for early-stage usability test and refind our solution

Task 1

Find the best time for you and your partner, and invited him/her to have lunch

Task flow

The goal of the task is to test whether the prototype can meet the requirement of finding the lunchtime for the user and user’s partner and identify if the user can create the activity for two.


Main Issue

  • Too many time spend on processing the information on the Calendar Tab.
  • Message notification is not global, Users cannot look at it easily.
  • No return at the create new activity pop up window.

Task 2

Check the notification of new achievement

Task flow

This task aims to examine the process of reviewing the achievement and setting a new goal for another achievement.



  • The pages are easy to understand and take action


Find the best time for you and your partner, and invited him/her to have lunch

We invited five potential users to conduct the open card sorting and to see whether our labeling system matched their mental model.

The results of card sorting show the labeling system is fairly good. Interviewees gave us suggestions about making the labeling system feel warmer. Researchers revised parts of the labeling system to make them feel warmer.


User Review Survey

After the users finish the two tasks we prepared, We require them to take a survey to evaluate about the app. Overall, the feedback from survey are positive and indicated that we still need effort on following aspect:

  • Some major areas to look into are intuitiveness
  • Navigation of both systems
  • Still need effort on the delivery of information

Final Design


Final Thoughts

This project experience allowed me to start to rethink what will it look like when young people adopted a hybrid working mode at post-Pandemic. Particularly, I found that two standards of productivity and well-being are what young people value, but these two things usually conflict with each other. It is an opportunity for our designers to think out of the box and to bring new forms of creative and delighting tools helping them improve these two standards at the same time.

Throughout this experience, I gained an in-depth practice of all processes for UX design. Our team paid attention to usability testing and make sure that all the pages and interactions that meet the users’ expectations and are easy to understand and use.